RV Dealer Survey Shows Lean Inventories

  • The Baird RV dealer survey conducted in partnership with RVDA suggests retail growth in the mid-thirties percent range in August - similar to the July 2020 RV retail numbers reported by Statistical Surveys. "A whole new set of first-time buyers seem to be in the market. Folks that under other circumstances would never have been interested in the RV lifestyle. COVID changed all that!"
  • Dealer say a lack of inventory availability is hurting retail. "Demand far outweighs current inventory availability. Lead generation is 30% greater with no budget increase. Sales could be up 40-50% if inventory and retail credit options were equivalent from 2019."
  • Dealer inventory remains incredibly lean, with inventory comfort at record lows in the history of our survey. Every towable dealer surveyed responded that towable inventory was "too low" and 80% of motorhome dealers reported that motorhome inventory was "too low."
  • Sentiment on current conditions remains positive at 77, but declined from an all-time high of 91 in July. The 3-5 year outlook also remains positive at 69, but declined from 79 in July.